Why Us

Why Us? Because we take skateboard seriously, but not ourselves. We grew during the days where the only reason we came home was the sun set and our mom’s porch lights came one, which meant if we didn’t bust our butts to get in home in the next 5 minutes we knew we’d probably miss dinner and dad was about to give me a big old something that isn’t a hug.
We grew up skating around the neighbourhood trying to do that coveted 900 that we only dreamed of ever doing and broke all kinds of limbs trying to go down in neighbourhood skate history. We grew where the only thing we would remember to bring to school on a consistent basis was our skateboard, homework, our backpack and lunch but never all 3 would join us occassionally. Where dirty vans were not a fashion statement but a way of life and where skateboards were more than just a thing you took instagram selfies with.
Skating to us is a passion, a culture, our history and even more so it’s in our blood. We do this for kids and parents everywhere who want to share that joy together as a family and get outside and bring it all back.